Real Animal Skull, Animal Skulls

Shop our online store for Farmed and Wild Game Animal Skulls, all
100% Real and ethically sourced, available in Grade A, Grade B and Craft Grade quality. You can buy a Florida Alligator Skull starting at $54.99, Bison Skull for $129.99, Merino Sheep Skull for $120.00, or Wild Boar Skull starting at $39.99. Shop our stock of Large Animal Skulls
of Warthog, Giraffe, Springbok, Gemsbok, Water Buffalo, Coyote, African Jackal, Sheep, Chacma Baboon, Nile Crocodile, Wildebeest,
Hartebeest, Blesbok, and others. You can also purchase tiny and small animal skulls of
mink, chicken, raccoon, groundhog, Springhare, river otter, turtle, opossum, green iguana, and bobcat. We offer Animal Skulls Wholesale and individually.
Skulls can be a valuable tool when it
comes to identifying a species, understanding its anatomy and dietary
habits. The major differences in animal skulls are eye placement and
teeth. The skulls of Prey species tend to have eyes on the sides of their
skulls such as a Groundhog, Gemsbok and Camel, while skulls of predators, such as a Coyote and Bobcat have eyes in the front. In spell work or
witchcraft, animal skulls can be used for divination by gazing into the eye
sockets or even into the base of the skull. There is also a very aesthetic appeal to an animal skull.
Many witches like to use them as decoration of a designated working area. Today
tiny skulls, such as a mole skull, muskrat skull, turtle skull, gopher skull and other tiny skulls are used in making
jewelry including necklaces, earrings and bracelets. The large animal
skulls, such as a blue wildebeest skull, black wildebeest skull, kudu skull, red hartebeest skull and an impala skull are painted, carved,
decorated with rhinestones or cleaned, whitened and displayed or are crafted
into sculptures, wall hangings and table décor.
All our animal skulls for sale are harvested and purchased from licensed US trappers or cleared for legal entry into the US by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and U.S. Customs. YOU NEED TO CHECK WITH YOUR STATE AGENCIES TO VERIFY YOUR PURCHASES ARE LEGAL TO POSSESS.