Mako Shark Jaws

Shortfin Mako Shark Jaws for sale, Isurus oxyrinchus. Shortfin makos are the faster shark in the world. The average adult reaches 10 feet in length and the females are normally larger than the males. We carry cleaned and whitened mako jaws in sizes from 8 inches up to 26 inches. The smaller mako jaws are measured across the front from edge to edge of the cartilage using a wood ruler. The larger jaws are measured across the back from edge to edge of the cartilage, using a cloth tape measure. They have been cleaned and whitened in Taiwan and are ready for display or mounting on a plaque. These jaws are by-products obtained from the Taiwan fishing industry. The mako sharks were harvested for food.
Shop Here and Save!! We Are Importers of Shark Jaws from the Taiwan Fishing Industry -- NO MIDDLEMAN!!
Shop Here and Save!! We Are Importers of Shark Jaws from the Taiwan Fishing Industry -- NO MIDDLEMAN!!
We Only Ship Within the US
We are out of mako shark jaws and do not know when we will receive more!
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