Mummies, Skeletons USPS

Articulated Black Spine Toad Skeletons, Complete Giant Frog Skeletons, Dried Preserved Bats, Mummified Bats, complete bat skeletons and articulated frog skeletons for sale shipped USPS Ground Advantage. Our Mummified Bats and Dried Preserved Bats, include preserved Painted Bats with Wings Spread Open, Preserved Painted Woolly Bats, Mummified Fruit Bats and Mummified Dried Diadem Leaf Nosed Bats. None of these species are endangered. They were all imported from Indonesia. Our wide selection of complete animal skeletons includes snake skeletons, bird skeletons, toad skeletons, gecko skeletons, fruit bat skeletons, rattlesnake skeletons, squirrel skeletons, rat skeletons, and more.
If you buy other items, we will add the postage to your total shipping paid and refund the excess.