Worldwide Wildlife Products | 904-797-7478 | 800-624-7964

Waterbuck Skull

Waterbuck Skull
 We offer hand picked and photographed African Waterbuck Skulls for Sale (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) with horns from 20 inches up to 28 inches. We also have discounted skulls for sale, all with various damage, at low discount prices.   Waterbuck horns are measured around the curve of the horn using a cloth tape measure - NOT straight with a wood ruler.  The African waterbuck skull with horns is from wild water buck and will have imperfections due to the natural aging process and fighting and living in the wild.  They were imported from South Africa and cleared by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services and U.S. Customs Services for legal entry into the United States.

Check out our Discounted Animal Skulls, all with slight damage.
 Discount Animal Skulls | Craft Grade | Grade B | Cheap Animal Skulls

We Only Ship Within the US

Our Wholesale Website is:
Atlantic Coral Enterprise - Atlantic Coral Enterprise, Inc. - $100 Minimum Order.

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